Before bitcoin Alice and Bob needed a middleman to pay each other

Payment Middleman

With bitcoin they can pay each other directly

Direct Payment

You can require multiple signatures too


But we often still have middlemen holding our money


Transactions are connected to reality

But bitcoin nodes don't know what reality is

Confused Nodes

The internet used to have the same problem with identity

Who is Amazon?

We solved it with the Certificate Authority

Who is Amazon? Oh, that's Amazon

Time for a Certificate Authority for facts

1 BTC to be > 500 Euros on June 1

Time for a Certificate Authority for facts

1 BTC was > 500 Euros on June 1

The network looks after the money

Alice and Bob's Contract

The result is known, the winner unlocks funds

Settling Alice and Bob's Contract

Add our competitors if you like

(When they show up)
Who is Amazon? Oh, that's Amazon

Reality Keys

Multiple funders? You can fund atomically.

Create transaction:
2 BTC out

But only
1 BTC in

Sign transaction
(If you don't know what coins the other party wants to spend, use SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY)

Publish / send / tweet transaction
(Can't broadcast yet)
  Get transaction, recreate and check

Add funds
1 BTC + 1 BTC
= 2 BTC

Add signatures

Broadcast transaction

